Work in Progress
(contact for drafts)
"Information Processing in Participatory Governance"
"Accountability in Time: Evolution in Social Accountability Institutions." With Brian Palmer-Rubin, Jésica Tapia, Aaron Erlich, and Benjamin Bagozzi.
"Transparency Shocks and Private Governance in Offshore Finance." With Nikhil Kalyanpur and Calvin Thrall.
"Do ministers matter for audit performance? Evidence from cabinet appointments during South Africa's 'State of Capture.'" With Martin Haus and Joachim Wehner. (ODI working paper version)
The Power of Partnership in Open Government: Multistakeholder Governance Reform and the Open Government Partnership. 2022. MIT Press Information Policy Series. With Suzanne Piotrowski and Alex Ingrams.
Available open access
Labor Standards in International Supply Chains: Aligning Rights and Incentives. 2015. Edward Elgar Publishing. With Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, Margaret Levi, and Jennifer Noveck.
Journal articles
"Audits for Accountability: Evidence from Municipal By-Elections in South Africa." 2022. The Journal of Politics. 84(3): 1581-1594. With Joachim Wehner.
Journal Link
Pre-publication version: Available here.
"Multi-Label Prediction for Political Text-as-Data." Forthcoming. Political Analysis. With Aaron Erlich, Stefano G. Dantas, Benjamin E. Bagozzi, and Brian Palmer-Rubin.
Journal link
"Partisan Context and Procedural Values: Attitudes Towards Presidential Secrecy Before and After the 2016 United States Election." 2022. British Journal of Political Science. 52(1): 483-491.
Journal link
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here
"Process Effects of Multistakeholder Institutions: Theory and Evidence from the Open Government Partnership." 2022. Regulation & Governance. 16(4): 1343-1361. With Suzanne Piotrowski and Alex Ingrams.
Journal link (open access)
"Measuring Human Rights Abuse from Access to Information Requests." 2022. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 66(2): 357-384. With Sarah A. V. Ellington, Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Brian Palmer-Rubin, and Aaron Erlich.
Journal link
"The Political Logic of Government Disclosure: Evidence from Information Requests in Mexico." 2021. The Journal of Politics. 83(1): 229-245. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Brian Palmer-Rubin, and Aaron Erlich.
Publication version: Available here
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here
"Media Attention and Bureaucratic Responsiveness." 2021. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 31(4): 687-703. With Aaron Erlich, Brian Palmer-Rubin, and Benjamin E. Bagozzi.
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here
Journal link (advance version)
"The Diversity of Repression: Measuring State Repressive Repertoires with Events Data." 2021. Journal of Peace Research. 58(5): 1126-1136. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi and Ryan Welch.
Journal link
"When does open government shut? Predicting government responses to citizen information requests." 2021. Regulation & Governance. 15(2): 280-297. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi and Zack W. Almquist.
Publication version (gated): Available here
"Learning from Our Mistakes: Public Management Reform and the Hope of Open Government." With Alex Ingrams and Suzanne Piotrowski. 2020. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. 3(4): 257-272.
Publication version: Available here
"What Information Do Citizens Want? Evidence from One Million Information Requests in Mexico." 2018. World Development. 109: 222-235. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi and Brian Palmer-Rubin.
Publication version (gated): Available here
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here.
Online Appendix: Available here.
"The Future of FOIA in an Open Government World: Implications of the Open Government Agenda for Freedom of Information Policy and Implementation." 2019. Villanova Law Review. 63(5): 867-894. With Alex Ingrams and Suzanne Piotrowski.
Publication version (gated): Available here
"The Politics of Scrutiny in Human Rights Monitoring: Evidence from Structural Topic Models of US State Department Human Rights Reports." 2018. Political Science Research and Methods. 6(4): 661-677. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"Stakeholder scrutiny, urban bias, and the private provision of public goods." 2018. Business and Politics. 20(2): 273-300. With Elizabeth Chrun and Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"Sunlight or Window Dressing?: Local Government Compliance with South Africa's Promotion of Access to Information Act." 2017. Governance. 30(4):641-661.
Publication version (gated) available here.
Pre-publication version (ungated) available here.
"Transnational Advocacy and Domestic Law: International NGOs and the Design of Freedom of Information Laws." 2016. Review of International Organizations. 11(1): 121-144.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"Competing for Transparency: Political Competition and Institutional Reform in Mexican States." 2015. American Political Science Review. 109(1): 110-128. With Aaron Erlich.
Publication version (ungated) available here. Online Appendix. Replication Data.
“Building Capacity, Building Rights?: State Capacity and Labor Rights in Developing Countries.” 2015. World Development. 72: 127-139. With Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, and Jennifer Noveck.
Publication version (gated) available here.
“Governing Global Supply Chains: What We Know (and Don’t) About Improving Labor Rights and Working Conditions.” 2015. Annual Review of Law and Social Science. With Margaret Levi, Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, and Jennifer Noveck.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"'Bluewashing' the Firm?: Voluntary Regulations, Program Design and Member Compliance with the United Nations Global Compact." 2015. Policy Studies Journal. 43(1): 115-138. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (ungated) available here.
"The Political Origins of Transparency." 2014. The Journal of Politics. 76(2): 479-491.
Publication version (ungated) available here. Online Appendix. Replication Data.
"Public Authority and Private Rules: How Domestic Regulatory Institutions Shape the Adoption of Global Private Regimes." 2014. International Studies Quarterly. 58(4): 793-803. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
"The United Nations Global Compact: An Institutionalist Perspective." 2014. Journal of Business Ethics. 122(2): 217-223. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
"Signaling Environmental Stewardship in the Shadow of Weak Governance: The Global Diffusion of ISO 14001." 2013. Law & Society Review, 47(2): 345-373. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
"From Norms to Programs: The United Nations Global Compact and Global Governance." 2012. Regulation & Governance, 6(2): 149-166. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
Other Research
"Do ministers matter for audit performance? Evidence from cabinet appointments during South Africa's 'State of Capture.'" 2023. ODI Working Paper. With Martin Haus and Joachim Wehner.
Available here.
"Ambitions and Realities in OGP Commitments: Analysis of Commitment Completion Across Countries using Hierarchical Models." 2015. Open Government Partnership Research Paper.
Available here.
"Follow your Neighbor?: Regional Emulation and the Design of Transparency Policies." 2013. KFG Working Papers Series, Freie Universität Berlin.
Available here.
"Aligning Rights and Interests: Why, When and How to Uphold Labor Standards." World Bank Background Paper for the World Development Report 2013. With Margaret Levi, Christopher Adolph, Aaron Erlich, Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, and Jennifer Noveck.
Available here.
(contact for drafts)
"Information Processing in Participatory Governance"
"Accountability in Time: Evolution in Social Accountability Institutions." With Brian Palmer-Rubin, Jésica Tapia, Aaron Erlich, and Benjamin Bagozzi.
"Transparency Shocks and Private Governance in Offshore Finance." With Nikhil Kalyanpur and Calvin Thrall.
"Do ministers matter for audit performance? Evidence from cabinet appointments during South Africa's 'State of Capture.'" With Martin Haus and Joachim Wehner. (ODI working paper version)
The Power of Partnership in Open Government: Multistakeholder Governance Reform and the Open Government Partnership. 2022. MIT Press Information Policy Series. With Suzanne Piotrowski and Alex Ingrams.
Available open access
Labor Standards in International Supply Chains: Aligning Rights and Incentives. 2015. Edward Elgar Publishing. With Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, Margaret Levi, and Jennifer Noveck.
Journal articles
"Audits for Accountability: Evidence from Municipal By-Elections in South Africa." 2022. The Journal of Politics. 84(3): 1581-1594. With Joachim Wehner.
Journal Link
Pre-publication version: Available here.
"Multi-Label Prediction for Political Text-as-Data." Forthcoming. Political Analysis. With Aaron Erlich, Stefano G. Dantas, Benjamin E. Bagozzi, and Brian Palmer-Rubin.
Journal link
"Partisan Context and Procedural Values: Attitudes Towards Presidential Secrecy Before and After the 2016 United States Election." 2022. British Journal of Political Science. 52(1): 483-491.
Journal link
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here
"Process Effects of Multistakeholder Institutions: Theory and Evidence from the Open Government Partnership." 2022. Regulation & Governance. 16(4): 1343-1361. With Suzanne Piotrowski and Alex Ingrams.
Journal link (open access)
"Measuring Human Rights Abuse from Access to Information Requests." 2022. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 66(2): 357-384. With Sarah A. V. Ellington, Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Brian Palmer-Rubin, and Aaron Erlich.
Journal link
"The Political Logic of Government Disclosure: Evidence from Information Requests in Mexico." 2021. The Journal of Politics. 83(1): 229-245. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Brian Palmer-Rubin, and Aaron Erlich.
Publication version: Available here
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here
"Media Attention and Bureaucratic Responsiveness." 2021. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 31(4): 687-703. With Aaron Erlich, Brian Palmer-Rubin, and Benjamin E. Bagozzi.
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here
Journal link (advance version)
"The Diversity of Repression: Measuring State Repressive Repertoires with Events Data." 2021. Journal of Peace Research. 58(5): 1126-1136. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi and Ryan Welch.
Journal link
"When does open government shut? Predicting government responses to citizen information requests." 2021. Regulation & Governance. 15(2): 280-297. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi and Zack W. Almquist.
Publication version (gated): Available here
"Learning from Our Mistakes: Public Management Reform and the Hope of Open Government." With Alex Ingrams and Suzanne Piotrowski. 2020. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. 3(4): 257-272.
Publication version: Available here
"What Information Do Citizens Want? Evidence from One Million Information Requests in Mexico." 2018. World Development. 109: 222-235. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi and Brian Palmer-Rubin.
Publication version (gated): Available here
Pre-publication version (ungated): Available here.
Online Appendix: Available here.
"The Future of FOIA in an Open Government World: Implications of the Open Government Agenda for Freedom of Information Policy and Implementation." 2019. Villanova Law Review. 63(5): 867-894. With Alex Ingrams and Suzanne Piotrowski.
Publication version (gated): Available here
"The Politics of Scrutiny in Human Rights Monitoring: Evidence from Structural Topic Models of US State Department Human Rights Reports." 2018. Political Science Research and Methods. 6(4): 661-677. With Benjamin E. Bagozzi.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"Stakeholder scrutiny, urban bias, and the private provision of public goods." 2018. Business and Politics. 20(2): 273-300. With Elizabeth Chrun and Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"Sunlight or Window Dressing?: Local Government Compliance with South Africa's Promotion of Access to Information Act." 2017. Governance. 30(4):641-661.
Publication version (gated) available here.
Pre-publication version (ungated) available here.
"Transnational Advocacy and Domestic Law: International NGOs and the Design of Freedom of Information Laws." 2016. Review of International Organizations. 11(1): 121-144.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"Competing for Transparency: Political Competition and Institutional Reform in Mexican States." 2015. American Political Science Review. 109(1): 110-128. With Aaron Erlich.
Publication version (ungated) available here. Online Appendix. Replication Data.
“Building Capacity, Building Rights?: State Capacity and Labor Rights in Developing Countries.” 2015. World Development. 72: 127-139. With Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, and Jennifer Noveck.
Publication version (gated) available here.
“Governing Global Supply Chains: What We Know (and Don’t) About Improving Labor Rights and Working Conditions.” 2015. Annual Review of Law and Social Science. With Margaret Levi, Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, and Jennifer Noveck.
Publication version (gated) available here.
"'Bluewashing' the Firm?: Voluntary Regulations, Program Design and Member Compliance with the United Nations Global Compact." 2015. Policy Studies Journal. 43(1): 115-138. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (ungated) available here.
"The Political Origins of Transparency." 2014. The Journal of Politics. 76(2): 479-491.
Publication version (ungated) available here. Online Appendix. Replication Data.
"Public Authority and Private Rules: How Domestic Regulatory Institutions Shape the Adoption of Global Private Regimes." 2014. International Studies Quarterly. 58(4): 793-803. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
"The United Nations Global Compact: An Institutionalist Perspective." 2014. Journal of Business Ethics. 122(2): 217-223. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
"Signaling Environmental Stewardship in the Shadow of Weak Governance: The Global Diffusion of ISO 14001." 2013. Law & Society Review, 47(2): 345-373. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
"From Norms to Programs: The United Nations Global Compact and Global Governance." 2012. Regulation & Governance, 6(2): 149-166. With Aseem Prakash.
Publication version (gated) here.
Other Research
"Do ministers matter for audit performance? Evidence from cabinet appointments during South Africa's 'State of Capture.'" 2023. ODI Working Paper. With Martin Haus and Joachim Wehner.
Available here.
"Ambitions and Realities in OGP Commitments: Analysis of Commitment Completion Across Countries using Hierarchical Models." 2015. Open Government Partnership Research Paper.
Available here.
"Follow your Neighbor?: Regional Emulation and the Design of Transparency Policies." 2013. KFG Working Papers Series, Freie Universität Berlin.
Available here.
"Aligning Rights and Interests: Why, When and How to Uphold Labor Standards." World Bank Background Paper for the World Development Report 2013. With Margaret Levi, Christopher Adolph, Aaron Erlich, Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, and Jennifer Noveck.
Available here.